
When building web applications we’ll often want to protect resources through some kind of authentication mechanism. All strategies can be broken down as follows:

  1. Identify: ask users who they are, often through a public username or email address.
  2. Authenticate: ask users to prove their identity, often through a private password.
  3. Authorize: determine which resources can be accessed, often through a token.

Saruni ships with an authentication package to get up and running with these flows more quickly. The package opts for a JSON web token approach to authorization by default—an open, industry-standard method for representing claims securely between two parties.

In practice

Users usually identify themselves by creating a new account or signing in to an existing account with a username or email address.

When users wish to prove an existing identity, the frontend client should call a mutation that passes along the identity with some proof—usually a password—as an input. The backend should check if the user exists in the database, decrypt and verify the password and return an access token if successful.

import { createAccessToken } from "@saruni/auth";
// Instance of generated Prisma Client.
import { db } from "../../../db";
export const Mutation = {
login: async (_root, args) => {
const user = await db.user.findOne({
where: { email: },
// In practice, we’d perform decryption here.
if (user.password !== args.input.password) {
throw new Error("");
return createAccessToken({ userId: });

The createAccessToken function from the @saruni/auth package takes a payload and (optionally) signing options as parameters and uses the ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET defined in the .env file at the root of Saruni projects to create a JSON web token. The frontend is responsible for storing that token as a cookie and sending it through headers on all requests. Learn more about that process here.

When it comes to accessing or updating resources, Saruni ships with a convenient withAuthentication function that respects our chosen authentication strategy and determines authorization validity.

import { withAuthentication } from "@saruni/auth";
import { db } from "../../../db";
export const Mutation = {
updateUser: withAuthentication(async (_root, args, ctx) => {
return await db.user.update({
where: { id: ctx.payload.userId },
data: { ...args.input },

Behind the scenes the function parses the request headers, checks the validity of the JSON web token and executes the function passed only if successful—throwing with an authentication error otherwise.