

Prisma is an open-source toolkit for database workflows, consisting of three major components: Prisma Client, Prisma Migrate and Prisma Studio—the first of which is production ready, with the latter two flagged as experimental at time of writing.

Prisma Client is a query builder. It is used in Saruni applications to send database queries that read and write data from our database.

Prisma Migrate is a tool for migrating database schemas. It is used in Saruni applications when we need to create, update or remove tables in our database.

Prisma Studio is a graphical user interface that allows us to view and edit data in a database. This is not yet used in Saruni workflows and we recommend TablePlus as a drop-in replacement for the time being.

Prisma schema

Central to usage of Prisma in Saruni applications is the api/prisma/schema.prisma file. This is a declarative representation of database schemas that would traditionally be written imperatively with SQL.

Rather than telling our database to execute a certain operation like creating a table, the Prisma schema describes the structure of the database schema. This description can generate a Prisma Client, which can then be used to send database queries.

In the following example, we describe the structure of a User table.

model User {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
username String @unique

Prisma workflow

  1. Update prisma.schema
  2. Run yarn saruni db migrate save
  3. Run yarn saruni db migrate up
  4. Run yarn saruni db generate
  5. Use Prisma Client in our application

We start by updating a model in our prisma.schema to reflect a desired change. For example, we might add a createdAt field to our User model.

model User {
id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
username String @unique
createdAt DateTime @default(now())

Running the db migrate save command adds a new timestamped directory in api/prisma/migrations detailing the changes made to the schema and a snapshot after the migration is applied.

The db migrate up command takes take of applying the migration, so the changes made to our schema are reflected in the database.

When the saruni db generate command is run we can expect an update to the Prisma Client that is written directly to the node_modules directory for use in our application.

import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";
const db = new PrismaClient();
const createUser = async (_parent, args) => {
await db.user.create({ data: { ...args.input } });