

Routes are the pages that users see in our web applications. That might include a home route at, a signup route at and a series of routes only available once authenticated.

Saruni utilizes the popular Next.js React framework for building the client-side of web applications and follows their convention of route generation through exports in the pages directory. When the development server is launched we can find routes at localhost:3000.

Creating a route

Saruni applications ship with a single route in web/src/pages/index.tsx. The index[.jsx,.tsx] file in the pages directory renders contents to the root domain.

When the time comes to create a new route, we add a file or folder with the name of the route we’d like to render in the pages directory and make sure to use a default export.

└── pages
  ├── index.tsx
  └── signup.tsx
import React from "react";
// Rendered to localhost:3000/signup when development server is running.
const Signup: React.FC = () => {
return <div>Signup to Saruni here.</div>;
export default Signup;

Private routes

It is common for applications to block certain routes to end-users until they are authenticated. Saruni ships with a privateRoute higher-order component to handle redirection gracefully. An example of usage will be added here soon.

Advanced features

App component

Under the hood, Next.js renders an App component to initialize pages. In certain scenarios we may want to extend this component, which is possible through the _app.tsx file that ships with Saruni installs in the web/src/pages directory.

By way of example, we apply a global CSS reset to all routes by wrapping the App component with the Reset component from the @saruni-ui/theme package.

import React from "react";
import { Reset } from "@saruni-ui/theme";
const App = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
return (
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default App;